Boston String Academy (BSA) is a non-profit organization providing rigorous string instrument instruction to children in under-served communities. The program is based on the Venezuelan El Sistema philosophy that utilizes music as a vehicle for social change.
Community-Centered Music Programs Transforming Lives Through Strings
Thank you for supporting the Boston String Academy! There are many ways that you can help contribute to our program:
We are proud to participate in Mass Cultural Council’s Card to Culture program in collaboration with the Department of Transitional Assistance, the Department of Public Health’s WIC Nutrition Program, the Massachusetts Health Connector, and hundreds of organizations by making cultural programming accessible to those for whom cost is a participation barrier.
EBT and WIC cardholders can receive educational program discounts (at least 50%), please email us at to request more information about our program offerings for your children (please mention your eligibility through the Card to Culture Program).
All of our concerts are also free to the public.
See the complete list of participating organizations offering
EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare discounts.